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Courses Offered At Maluti TVET College 2023-2024

Courses Offered At  Maluti TVET College 2023-2024 Courses Offered At  Maluti TVET College 2023-2024   Maluti TVET College is a Technical Vocational Education & Training Institution operating under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training. The College is accredited by Umalusi and several Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs). Courses and programmes offered at the college are technical and vocational in nature, which students dont only receive  the theoretical aspect and understanding of a course  but rather learners are imparted with practical knowldge as well. Courses offered include, NCV, Nated, learnership, Skilled programmes  and report 191 programmes, Enroll today to your future the lisfe you've always  wished for . Courses And Programmes Offered At Maluti Tvet College   The following are the list of prgrams offered  at the Maluti Tvet College: NC (V) PROGRAMMES OFFERED: ENGINEERING RELATED FIELDInformation Technology Level 2