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Courses Offered At The Port Elizabeth TVET College 2023-2024

 Courses Offered At The Port Elizabeth TVET College 2023-2024  Courses Offered At The Port Elizabeth TVET College 2023-2024   Port Elizabeth TVET College is an institution for tomorrow with a rich illustrious past. We focus on developing people today to enable them to face the challenges of tomorrow by equipping them with relevant practical skills to enable them to attain their dreams and aspirations.  This underpins our vision of being the preferred provider of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programmes, which complement the human resource and skills development needs of a competitive, developing nation. In order to give the youth access to Pe TVET College, the government has made funds available in the form of bursaries to qualifying students that are in need of financial assistance and are able to demonstrate potential for academic success.  The Department of Education TVET College bursary scheme assists students or intending to enrol at TVET College